10 Tips for Eye Make-up Safety
Never apply eyeliner on your waterline. This can clog the oil glands in your eyelids and lead to dryness.
Discard expired products. It is recommended you replace your eyeliners and mascaras every 3 months. Infection causing bacteria ramps up growth after this time.
Never share eye make-up, even with family or friends. It is best to avoid the use of in-store make-up samples as they can easily be contaminated.
Throw away eye make-up after an infection. If you continue to use products that you used during an infection, you could re-introduce the virus or bacteria.
If your lashes are clumped together by mascara, do not use anything sharp to try and detangle them. This can lead to a corneal abrasion.
If you tend to have allergic reactions easily, introduce one new product at a time. This makes it much easier to track potential allergenic ingredients. Pro-tip: look for hypoallergenic products - they usually contain the least amount of ingredients.
Remove all eye make-up before sleeping. Make-up left around your eyes, especially mascara, can lead to irritation.
Always wash your hands thoroughly before applying and washing off make-up.
Clean your application brushes on a regular basis.
Beware of sparkly or glittery eyeliners and eyeshadows. They can easily get into your eye and cause scratches and irritation.